Thermal Camera for Temperature Measurement in COVID-19 Epidemic

Cloudpinky Patel
3 min readApr 22, 2021


With treatment plans still being perfected and developed in several countries, clinical trials are still underway, and a vaccine was discovered a year or so out in the market, preventive methods and detections in addition to social distancing and wearing face masks all the time are Sheryl needed now more than ever, due to the war against the COVID-19 and any future epidemic outbreaks.

Thermal Camera for Temperature Measurement in COVID-19 Epidemic

As every nation reopens, many businesses and offices have a host of logistical and legal issues to resolve in order to bring their employees and workers back safely in these times of COVID-19. Many of them are acquiring technological solutions, ranging from the standard forehead and hand thermometer guns to more sophisticated, social-distancing, and Thermal camera, some of them are even integrated with facial recognition software that can track, identify and alert individuals who have a fever or who flout the distancing rules or doesn’t wear a mask. Before implementing such technology in the workplace or public places, however, enterprises must have complete knowledge while using it.

Working of the Thermal imaging cameras

Using infrared technology, Thermal camera systems assist in detecting heat radiation from a body or any surface, also usually from the forehead, and then measure body surface temperature. These cameras are an extremely powerful and reliable tool, primarily they were deployed by fire-fighters to track smoldering embers and police to search for out-of-sight suspects and military to identify intruders. But now they are also being designed to be medical devices to assist in the current pandemic situation. They can detect the accurate measure of skin surface temperature of both objects and human beings, but they should be used properly.
They don’t accurately detect the coronavirus but helps to measure temperature which is a huge symptom of covid-19.

A high temperature or fever is just one of the most common symptoms of the virus. Due to the outbreak of the new covid-19 strain, some symptoms include headaches, body aches, pneumonia, nausea, headaches, fatigue, and loss of taste or smell. But the most eminent point to remember is that not everyone infected with the virus gets a high temperature and not everyone with a high temperature is infected with the coronavirus. So, it just alerts the people with high temperatures so that infection spread can be avoided. Thermal cameras are capable to identify infected people with other symptoms or no symptoms.

Benefits of the thermal camera over covid-19

The main and prominent advantage is that the person who is responsible to handle the Thermal imaging cameras system is not required to be physically close or maintain any contact with the person being evaluated. The individual or official who handles the thermal imaging system could be in a different area or completely different space. This eliminates the need for personal protective equipment (PPE) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) required professional training for temperature measurements.

A thermal imaging system has also shown that it more accurately measures surface skin temperature faster than the typical forehead or oral or hand thermometers that requires close contact or physical contact with the individual who is being evaluated. Thermal screening cameras can be an efficient, effective, and reliable tool when used under appropriate circumstances and used properly with gaining some knowledge beforehand. However, employers or officials need to make sure they are completely aware of the legal and practical limitations particularly in the state or country where the camera is to be used before rushing into the direct use of such systems.



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